Thursday, June 27, 2024

Memorable Television Episodes


Below is a list of television episodes from the past two to three decades that I find memorable:


1. "BABYLON 5" (3.10) "Severed Dreams" - When President Clark of Earth Alliance escalates his brutal repression upon Earth’s population, Captain John Sheridan of Babylon 5 declares the space station independent. Hugo Award winner.

2. "GAME OF THRONES" (3.09) "The Rains of Castamere" - The new King of the North, Lord Robb Stark, his mother Catelyn and his wife Queen Talisa; arrive at the estate The Twins for the wedding of his uncle Edmure Tully to one of Walder Frey’s daughters. Brandon Stark’s small traveling group decide to split up after a close call with the Freefolk. And Daenerys Targaryen plans to invade Yunkai in order to free that city’s slaves.

3. "LOST" (2.07) "The Other 48 Days" - This episode depicted the first 48 days on the island of the surviving Tail Section passengers of Oceanic 815.

4. "AGENTS OF S.H.I.E.L.D." (1.17) "Turn, Turn, Turn" - In this companion piece to the 2014 movie, "Captain America: The Winter Soldier", S.H.I.E.L.D. has been compromised by an old enemy from the past and Agent Phil Coulson’s team do not know whom to trust.

5. "THE FLASH" (6.09) "Crisis on Infinite Earths: Part Three" - The Arrowverse heroes continue their efforts to prevent the Anti-Monitor from destroying the multiverse and creating a new one.

6. "GAME OF THRONES" (1.09) "Baelor" - Robb goes to war against the Lannisters in an effort to save his father, Eddard "Ned" Stark, imprisoned at King’s Landing. His half-brother Jon Snow finds himself struggling on deciding if his place is by Robb’s side or with the Night’s Watch. Khal Drogo falls ill from an infected battle wound and Daenerys is desperate to save him.

7. "LOST" (6.14) "The Candidate" - With Jack Shephard’s help, the Man in Black rescues the castaways/candidates from Charles Widmore’s compound. But their plans for leaving the island are forced to change.

8. "BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER" (5.22) "The Gift" - Buffy Summers and her friends prepare for battle when the hell god Glory plans to use her sister Dawn to open up a portal to a demonic dimension.

9. "D.C.’s LEGENDS OF TOMORROW" (2.17) "Aruba" - The Legends decide to break a cardinal rule of time traveling in order to prevent the Legion of Doom from using the Spear of Destiny to change the world’s reality for good.

10. "BABYLON 5" (3.22) "Z'ha'dum" - After his supposedly dead wife Anna Sheridan turns up very much alive on Babylon 5, Captain Sheridan ignores previous warnings and travels with her to the Shadows’ homeworld Z'ha'dum.

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